Journalist Chris Hedges to Speak in Albuquerque
There are corners of this country (like New Mexico) where Americans are trapped in endless cycles of poverty, powerlessness and despair, a direct result of capitalistic greed. Chris Hedges calls these places “Sacrifice Zones.”
A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and activist, graduate of Harvard Divinity School, ordained Presbyterian minister, former professor at Princeton, and author of 11 books including the New York Times’ best seller Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, Hedges will speak on “Reclaiming and Restoring New Mexico, from Sacrifice Zone to the Land of Enchantment,” Sunday, Apr. 15, 1:30-4:30pm at Central United Methodist Church, 201 University Blvd NE, near University and Central.
This is a strategy event for Faith Leaders, Advocates, Activists and Community Organizers. Space is limited, reservations required via, $10 donation requested. Co-sponsored by NM Interfaith Worker Justice, NM Interfaith Power and Light, MASE (Multicultural Alliance of a Safe Environment), NM Voices of Children, Health Action NM, NM Coalition to End Homelessness, Nuclear Watch NM, Veterans for Peace Santa Fe Chapter, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, and more. More info: 660-5018,, or visit

A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and activist, graduate of Harvard Divinity School, ordained Presbyterian minister, former professor at Princeton, and author of 11 books including the New York Times’ best seller Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, Hedges will speak on “Reclaiming and Restoring New Mexico, from Sacrifice Zone to the Land of Enchantment,” Sunday, Apr. 15, 1:30-4:30pm at Central United Methodist Church, 201 University Blvd NE, near University and Central.
This is a strategy event for Faith Leaders, Advocates, Activists and Community Organizers. Space is limited, reservations required via, $10 donation requested. Co-sponsored by NM Interfaith Worker Justice, NM Interfaith Power and Light, MASE (Multicultural Alliance of a Safe Environment), NM Voices of Children, Health Action NM, NM Coalition to End Homelessness, Nuclear Watch NM, Veterans for Peace Santa Fe Chapter, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, and more. More info: 660-5018,, or visit