

Accounting and Tax Preparation:

Call: 505-471-3680




Air Conditioning & Heating:

Call Scott at: 505-469-1421



Alternative Schools:




Santa Fe Waldorf School, call 505-983-9727 for more information and directions.




Animal Services:



Tulliver’s Pet Foods505-992-3388





Antiques and Consignment Shops:


Stephen’s: A Consignment Gallery – Call 505-471-0802




Apartment and Office Rentals

Small Office Spaces:

Call Orlando at Aurora Studios 920-3309 or 204-1533 




Art Galleries





Auto Repairs…!


Call: 505-204-4418



Subaru repair:  Mike’s Garage…!

For directions call Ray or Michael at: 505-983-6577




Auto and Truck Licensing

MVD Pros – 505-819-5926




Cleaning Products, Locally Owned


Call: 505-570-2467




Color Copies… Not Expensive…!



CALL: 505-982-0122




The Printers

2859 Cerrillos Rd. (Next to Sonic Drive-In)
Leave message at: 505-780-5481




Commercial Photography







Computer Repair:


Ask NOW About Our Student Discounted Computer Program…!!


Ph: 505-983-2577



Dance Studios – Flamenco



Dental Services:


Kelly Janecek – General Dentistry: 505-986-6073




Dinosaur Bones, Fossils, Meteorites, and Minerals:







At The Lodge in Santa Fe — Rated: “Magnificent!!!”

For tickets go to:

http://www.EmiArteFlamenco.Com or call: 505-660-9122



Visit the Santa Fe Opera website for information about upcoming events!!




ENTERTAINMENT – Other Options:







For more information on rental costs call 505-982-4414





Quintana Optical – Call: Mónica Quintana Gómez – 505-988-4234







Dos Amigos

For hours and directions please call:505-772-0971.

(At the old Souper Salad location near Smith’s on Cerrillos Road)




The Pantry

For hours and directions please call: 505-986-0022


Address: 1820 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505




The Pantry Dos

For hours and directions please call: 505-365-2859.




The Pantry Río

For hours and directions please call: 505-989-1919


Address: 229 Galisteo St, Santa Fe, NM 87501




Yamas Greek Rotisserie NOW OPEN FOR PICKUP !!! – CALL 930-5921





Pizzaría Espíritu – Pickup and Delivery Services Available…!  Mon-Thr 11-5 & Fri 11-8 [Closed Sat & Sun]

10% Discount with mention of ad in WeirdNews.Info…!!

For hours and directions please call: 505-424-8000






     Outdoor water resistant artificial poinsettia bush in red - 15" tall

Spring & Summer Plants are now available…!!!

Agua Fría Nursery – Santa Fe

Finest selection of plants for Santa Fe and north-central New Mexico…!

Phone: 505-983-4831

Fax: 505-983-3593

Em: aguafrianr@aol.com






Action Glass – 473-5500


A Touch of Glass – 471-1996







Pet Food:


Tulliver’s 505-992-3388






Allegra Print & Imaging – 505-982-0122




The Printers

2859 Cerrillos Rd. (Next to Sonic Drive-In)
Leave message at: 505-780-5481



Crosley Companion AM/FM Radio & Bluetooth Speaker, Brown

Radio Stations….!

KANW 91.1 FM – NPR Programing

KSFR 101.1 FM – News, Talk, Music

KUNM 89.9 FM – Community Public Radio



Real Estate…..!


Rey Post
Radio Show Host & Associate Broker, Sotheby’s International Realty

Contact: 202/550-2411 & ATREradio.com





(see listings under FOOD…! above)




Roof Repair Companies:

Call: 505-919-8011




Self-Storage Facilities

Around the Corner Self Storage offers the easiest storage solutions in Santa Fe.  With 2 locations we are convenient no matter where you are in town.  Move in online 24/7 and get instant access to your unit with no need to schedule to meet a manager.  We offer small closet sized units up to large 10x30s with enough room to fit the contents of a 3+ bedroom home. Give us a call today at 505-313-0075 or check out our website www.aroundthecornerselfstorage.com




Social Media companies:




Tires and Alignments:


Santa Fe phone: 505-473-9715






Tree Services:


Tree RX LLC – 505-316-1653




Social Media Marketing…!





Santa Fe Business Incubator – Celebrating 20 Years

Santa Fe Business Incubator has helped launch more than 165 businesses over the years and is a successful, impactful not-for-profit that’s helping our state’s economy.

This year they are celebrating 20 years in business!


Celebrations will start off with a lunch event and later this year Santa Fe Business Incubator will present some special seminars and workshops with guest experts and authors.


For more information call 505-424-1140, email the

Director, Marie Longserre,

at MarieL@SFBI.net, or visit the website at SFBI.net.



Natural Burial

Natural burial is full body burial in the earth without embalming chemicals, in a container made of natural, biodegradable materials (a shroud or a casket), with no outer container (burial vault or grave liner) and marked, if at all, by a local natural stone (uncut and unpolished).

Indigenous populations in New Mexico and throughout the United States, as well as most cultures and religions around the world, have followed natural burial practices for centuries.  Prior to the Civil War and the development of embalming, natural burial was the norm in America. This right continues to be assured for all people in New Mexico.

The terms natural or green are often used interchangeably. Green burial emphasizes the environmental impact, while natural burial emphasizes the more personal and human aspect.  Natural burial is a deliberate choice and makes new life out of old life. There is a lot of nourishing matter in our flesh and bones, so burying naturally, instead of sequestering in a sealed casket and vault, or cremating, which uses large amounts of fossil fuels, makes human and environmental sense.

Berardinelli Family Funeral Services has teamed up with La Puerta Natural Burial Ground to offer special pricing on an environmentally sound, kinder, gentler burial option. La Puerta is a 40-acre private, serene, conservation burial site at the base of the Manzano Mountains, fully certified by the national non-profit Green Burial Council.

Experience the Berardinelli difference, a family funeral service committed to offering respectful, environmentally safe burial options to all of New Mexico.

Berardinelli Family Funeral Services

1399 Luisa Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505  Phone: 505.984.8600




EBT and Double Up Food Bucks at LOS ALAMOS FARMERS’ MARKET…! 

There are a number of programs that are accepted at Los Alamos Farmers Market.

WIC, DUFB, Senior Checks, if you have any questions about how to use or what they are please feel free to ask me.
My name is Cindy Talamantes <talacook@windstream.net> and I’m usually in the information booth.
These programs are available year round…!






The Sandoval County Cooperative Extension Service Master Gardeners are ready to take calls on any gardening questions: when and what to plant; pest and disease problems; fruits, landscape, and vegetable plants that thrive our hot arid climate.

“Gardening in the high desert southwest can be a challenge.  The Master Gardeners are willing to offer advice and guidance to make your growing season successful,” said Agriculture Agent/Extension Master Gardener Coordinator Lynda Garvin.

Call 505-867-2582 (Hours Tuesday through Thursday 9 AM to Noon and 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM).  Master Gardeners also offer an email hotline option at: scmghotline@gmail.com.  Both hotlines are free of charge.

(For more information contact: Lynda Garvin, Sandoval County Extension Service, (505)867-2582, lgarvin@nmsu.edu)





In an inspiring and unconventional literary presentation,

Jetta Dya Jones introduces her first book, “Ba’al Perazim: The Breakthrough”.

The thought provoking messages come at a time when a total eclipse of sanity, heart exploration, and common sense are needed to preserve American democracy and give our children a fighting chance.

Writes one literary critic, “This is a book that must get out to the world.”

Now available on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble






For information on how to get listed in our Area Services section call The Sun Companies at 505-471-5177….!