Monthly Archive: April 2019

Scientists uncover ancient platypus crab

By David Szondy – Artistic reconstruction of Callichimaera perplexa. (Credit: Elissa Martin/Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History).   An international team of scientists under Yale paleontologist Javier Luque has discovered a 95 million year-old “platypus crab” that may throw into question how you define …


Nikola unveils its WAV electric personal watercraft

By Ben Coxworth – Plans call for the WAV to be released next year. (Credit: Nikola Motor Company). The Nikola Motor Company has previously brought us battery-electric cargo trucks and off-road vehicles. This month, the Arizona-based startup announced that another e-vehicle will be joining …

Space fire extinguisher sucks instead of blows

By David Szondy – The VEM extinguisher is designed for use on spacecraft and other special environments. (Credit: Valeev/Depositphotos).  The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology has developed an inside-out fire extinguisher for use inside spacecraft. Instead of spraying out …