Former Bank President, refuses to retire, and is now running the Corona Posse, killing Corona Virus all over New Mexico. –
By Ben Boothe, Sr. –
Several years ago, in Texas we had several viral epidemics, and so we, through our environmental company, found ways to sterilize buildings from viral infections and help give employees, customers, and the public confidence and no fear to come in. I did this years ago with Swine Flu, SARs, and others in Texas, and we helped keep a lot of people from getting sick.
Now here in New Mexico we have purchased a Winnebago, converted it to a Corona Sterilization Unit, and we can go anywhere, on short notice…this is our hope to try to do something pro active (instead of just sitting around at home) while the Corona epidemic is on…and in the process, perhaps save a few lives.
We sterilize all kinds of buildings, and this is not a mop bucket with some bleach in it, this is a very detailed, spray down, wipe down, from front door to every surface, even the HVAC vents, filters and coils (try to stop air born virus), even ways to sterilize shoe soles to keep people from “walking in with the virus,” tools, cash registers, equipment, handles, knobs, bathrooms, you name it, anywhere people touch or sneeze, we sterilize.
Marvelous thank you for the good things, good vibrations, good efforts to help humanity during this difficult time. Thanks to Skip Whitson a marvelous human full of giving and life!