10 of the strangest exoplanets in the universe

by Mike Colagrossi – 55 Cancri e, or “Hellfire Earth”. All pictures nasa.gov. Exoplanets are planets that lie beyond our own solar system and revolve around other stars many light years away. In the past two decades, thousands have been discovered, most of …

Wearing a tie cuts circulation to your brain

by Ned Dymoke – Flickr user: Amtec Staffing. Ties: they’re what the majority of the men in the western working world wear day in, day out, around their necks. Some wear them way too long. Others wear them comically short. Some have bows, …

The mind-bendy weirdness of the number zero, explained

We explain nothing. By Brian Resnick@B_resnickbrian@vox.com   Additional reporting by Ellen Rolfes and Kimberly Mas – Dude … have you ever, like, even thought about the number zero? It’s wild.  Getty Images.  The computer you’re reading this article on right now runs on a …