What you’re really saying with your Mother’s Day gift

Here mum, I’ve bought you something! Fizkes/Shutterstock

By Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Lancaster University
and by
Professor of Journalism, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

After your daughter spends the weekend visiting, a surprise gift seems like a kind gesture – until you open it and find a vacuum cleaner. What does this say about her visit and what she thinks of your house? Should you receive it with gratitude, hand it back in a huff, or start planning a revenge gift?


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  1. Hari Bunione

    Great advice from an interesting piece of research. I’ve found articles on this subject have made Mothers Day a much more satisfying event.Previous to this all we did was make sure all the housework was done and cook breakfast in bed.Now we know that the flowers you buy may be linked to the war on drugs and not to give her chocolates but clean the toilet instead. Then we join together to search for global stories about racialized mothers or celebrate Australian birds. Concussion awareness was flagged up as a potential Mothers Day conversation in 2019, as was sleeping more. In 2021 Carla Pascoe Leahy suggested smashing the patriachy would be an appropriate gift, while others wondered what would become of Mothers Day in a world of child rearing robotsMothers Day , a chance to reflect






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  2. Moss Sunderland

    logged in via Facebook

    I live in an over 55 community so all of our children are grown. We all agree that we have enough “stuff”. What we need is a little of your time. Take us to lunch or invite us over for a dinner. Perhaps you come and just have a cup of coffee and visit. Time with you is the only gift we want. Obviously that assumes you live close enough for that pleasure.

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