Can chameleons change color in their sleep? The Conversation’s Curious Kids podcast

The Conversation’s Curious Kids podcast is published in partnership with FunKids, the UK’s children’s radio station. It’s hosted and produced by Eloise. The executive producer is Gemma Ware.

Email your question to CuriousKids@TheConversation.Com or record it and send your question to us directly at FunKidsLive.Com/curious.

And explore more articles from our Curious Kids series on The Conversation.

Disclosure statement:

Russell Ligon recently finished a postdoctoral research position at Cornell University. He’s received funding for his work on chameleons from the National Science Foundation, Harvard Travellers Club, American Society of Naturalists, Animal Behavior Society, American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists and Arizona State University where he did his PhD.

Sound credits

Choir sound by liezen3 via FreeSound.Org .

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