
If You Weren’t Already Worried About Russia, You Should Be Now…!

By Sharon Burke  Updated 3:33 PM ET, Wed March 21, 2018 (This is an excerpt. For the full article see: The United States urgently needs to strengthen our defense of the national grid system. This cannot be just the responsibility of the private …

Extreme Weather in Space

Extreme Weather in Space Written by Gerard West After a year in space, astronaut’s DNA no longer matches that of his identical twin You think Earth has it bad? When it comes to extreme weather, Earth is tame compared to some of …


Russian Hackers Extend Feelers into Power Grid

March 16, 2018 One urgent reason to move to a more distributed, islandable, resilient grid with back up battery power, is the increasing vulnerability of traditional electrical grids to attack. Also, urgent reason to wonder what the Russians have on Donald Trump. New …

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs…!

If You Ever Had A Dog, You’ll Better Understand …. The Most Affectionate Creature In The World Is a Wet Dog. (For more on “Dogs” see the post under ANIMALS)


Written by Gerard West for on 2018 Mar 07 If you’ve ever visited or lived in an arid region, you may have experienced fear in the face of a swarming wall of deadly dust billowing over the plains. But how do dust …

The Top Frauds of This Past Year….!

The top frauds of 2017 — Share This Page Facebook Twitter Linked-In — March 1, 2018 by Monica Vaca, Associate Director, Division of Consumer Response and Operations The numbers are in, the counts have been made, and today the FTC announced what …

Battery Myths….

3 battery myths debunked — Our phones are a big part of our daily lives, and yet we tend not to think too much about the part that keeps it running – its battery. With so much information out there about battery health, …

The New Mexico Mystery Stone

Mystery Stone, Valencia County —  Channel your inner Indiana Jones and visit Mystery Stone, located on State Trust Lands at the base of Hidden Mountain, 16 miles west of Los Lunas. Also known as Los Lunas Decalogue Stone and Commandments Rock, this 80-ton boulder of …

New Economic Opportunity Zones…!

NMEDD Announces Opening of Application Period for Opportunity Zone Designation Nominations will be accepted from County Managers until March 21 Santa Fe, N.M. – The New Mexico Economic Development Department (NMEDD) announced that the Department is soliciting applications for Opportunity Zone designations from each …