FTC Action Halts Phony Grants Operation

Defendants allegedly took millions of dollars from consumers seeking help with paying debts and personal expenses. At the Federal Trade Commission’s request, a federal court has halted a telemarketing scheme that took at least $3 million from consumers, including elderly and disabled persons, …

Global warming will raise suicide rates

by Derek Beres –   The consequences of our actions are more far-reaching than we imagine. Consider the microbial world—the world we all actually inhabit. In his book, I Contain Multitudes, science writer Ed Yong points out our mistake in loading up on …

Scientists discover rare dolphin-whale hybrid near Hawaii

A wholphin? A dhale? It’s actually called a… by Stephen Johnson – Kimberly A. Wood under Cascadia Research Collective NMFS permit 20605.  Scientists have discovered a rare hybrid between a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin in waters near Kauai, Hawaii. The discovery, …

Smiles have a sound, and it’s contagious

Lila MacLellan –  Listen for it. (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandle)   The next time you catch yourself smiling during a phone conversation, just because, ask the person on the other end of the line whether they’re smiling, too. According to a small study from …