Outbreak of Sea Lice in Water…!

Florida Department of Health Warns Beachgoers About Outbreak of Sea Lice in the Water By Julie Mazziotta – Florida’s Department of Health is warning beachgoers about an outbreak of sea lice on the state’s northwest shores. The beaches around Pensacola now have purple …

Drone photography through the eyes of an architect

  Rich Haridy – Temples in Myanmar. (Credit: Dimitar Karanikolov / Behance CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).  Dimitar Karanikolov is a London-based architect with a passion for photography. Over the last few years his experiments with drone photography have led to an exciting, architectural perspective on some of …

Does Alcohol Reveal the Real You?

by Robby Berman – Liquid love (AUSTIN.HAPPEL) “Here’s to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.” So sayeth noted philosopher Homer Simpson. It’s the ubiquitous social lubricant that makes it easier to socialize, and some would say, freely speak …

How to spot high-conflict people before it’s too late

By Bill Eddy Co-founder and President, The High Conflict Institute – Here’s a fast fact about high-conflict people: life is better when you avoid them. Bill Eddy, mediation expert and president of the High Conflict Institute, describes them not only as difficult but …

Is plant protein superior to animal protein?

by Derek Beres – The most common question I received during my decades of vegetarianism concerned protein. People were fascinated that a human could receive adequate supplies of the macronutrient without consuming animal products. This became especially relevant when I dabbled in veganism …