by Kevin Dickinson – Pexels, Ivan Obolensky – If you want to get ahead in life, then you’ll need to work hard, be disciplined, and sacrifice sleep. If you’re asleep, you’re not working, and if you don’t work constantly, you can never manage …
By Jane Bracher, for CNN – Naked women in pools of green liquid, strange looking plants, and text written in an unknown alphabet; they can all be found on the delicate parchment pages of a mysterious manuscript from the 15th century. And nobody …
A growing body of research is showing that hurricanes are becoming more dangerous. A recent analysis by noted climate scientists, though not a peer-reviewed study, suggested that even as the winds that move hurricanes along are getting weaker, the winds inside hurricanes are …
by Stephen Johnson – What you’d need to earn per hour in each U.S. state to afford a standard 2-BR apartment. (Image: National Low Income Housing Coalition) A full-time minimum wage isn’t enough money to rent an averagely priced one-bedroom home anywhere in …
C.C. Weiss – Kicking back in the Car Hammock – We’ve seen hammocks on truck hitches, hammocks on car roofs, and even hammocks inside of pickup beds. But what if it’s pouring rain and you still want to hammock? Well, you can …
David Szondy – Explosives chemist David Chávez pours an example of melt-castable explosive into a copper mold at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Technical Area 9 (Credit: LANL) It looks as if the days of the venerable explosive trinitrotoluene (TNT) are numbered …
by Scotty Hendricks – The discovery that life evolves to fit it’s environment in the East and the West. (Source: In the West, we tend to suppose that all of the best scientific discoveries happened in Europe or North America. This …
David Szondy – This first gram of yellowcake was produced from uranium captured from seawater with modified yarn (Credit: PNNL) The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in association with LCW Supercritical Technologies has made an important breakthrough for the nuclear industry by …
Michael Irving – Researchers at TU Delft have developed a new technique for generating quantum entanglement links on demand, opening the door for practical quantum networks (Credit: Cheyenne Hensgens)With more sensitive data than ever being shared – and stolen – online, more secure …
The Federal Trade Commission has charged three individuals and nine businesses with bilking more than $125 million from thousands of consumers with a fraudulent business education program called MOBE (“My Online Business Education”). A federal court halted the scheme and froze the defendants’ …