
Women In Parks and the 19th Amendment

National parks across the country preserve and share stories of trailblazing women who dared to imagine a different future. – The 19th Amendment – Tucked away behind the U.S. Capitol and across the street from the U.S. Supreme Court sits a historic building …

Driving for extra cash? Check your car insurance first.

Driving for extra cash? Check your car insurance first. by Jim Kreidler Consumer Education Specialist, FTC With more people seeking delivery services during the Coronavirus pandemic, many companies are looking for drivers to shuttle meals, medicine, groceries, and other items to people at …


Norse code: project aims to decipher sound of old languages

Composer Edmund Hunt leads effort to examine sonic footprints of Vikings and Celts. TV shows such as Vikings captivate modern audiences, but history does not record exactly what Vikings sounded like. Photograph: Allstar/MGM/Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar – By Rory Carroll Ireland correspondent @rorycarroll72  Last modified …

The Rig is made for wheelchair users who wanna rough it

Its makers describe The Rig as being “Not a Wheelchair” – NotAWheelchair.Com – By Ben Coxworth 2020 Aug 17 – Just because someone has limited mobility, does that mean they should be limited to traversing smooth pavement? Not according to husband-and-wife team Zack and …