By Joanie Budzileni – Around here, in Bandelier National Monument and many other parts of New Mexico, everyone starts noticing tarantulas about this time of year. Autumn is the time when males mature and start out on their quest to find a mate. This exposes …
by Frank Jacobs – The geographic distribution of places named after animals provides an indication of the former range of those animals. In Feral, his book proposing a re-wilding of our natural environment, George Monbiot refers to Shifting Baseline Syndrome as …
Is this for real? MIKE MCRAE – Paul Hanaoka – A protozoan parasite found in cats could be having a rather odd effect on the brains of humans it infects, which under the right circumstances just might turn them into the next …
Submitted by Carol A. Clark on July 13, 2018 – 9:31pm A game cam captures a bear taking a bath earlier this month in the backyard of a home on Kachina Street on Barranca Mesa in Los Alamos, NM. Photo by Andrew Delorey …