Michael Irving – An artist’s impression of a collision between the Milky Way and a smaller dwarf galaxy, such as that which occurred about eight to 10 billion years ago (Credit: V. Belokurov (Cambridge, UK) based on an image by ESO/Juan Carlos …
Michael Irving – Scientists have detected beams of antimatter being blasted towards the ground in the eyewall of a hurricane (Credit: razlomov/Depositphotos) Although Hurricane Patricia was one of the most powerful storms ever recorded, that didn’t stop the National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
Michael Irving – Researchers have found that 85 percent of asteroids in the inner belt could have come from just five or six ancient minor planets (Credit: University of Florida) They might seem like boring old rocks, but asteroids and meteorites have some …
Michael Irving – Imperial Motion’s new Nano Cure Tent can self-heal small punctures and holes in its surface (Credit: Imperial Motion) Everything from electronics to concrete is getting the self-healing treatment nowadays, but the technology rarely seems to make it to commercial …
by Carol Kando-Pineda – Attorney, Division of Consumer and Business Education. Scammers try to trick you into thinking a loved one is in trouble. They call, text, email, or send messages on social media about a supposed emergency with a family member or …
Les Hewitt – Deep in the Southwestern United States is Santa Fe, the City of Holy Faith. It was here that in the 1800s seven nuns set up a school for girls, and when it was time, they built a chapel. This is where …
By Gerard West – There are many reasons why crickets chirp to one another. It is a way for them to communicate. Crickets will chirp to warn each other of approaching danger. Male crickets chirp to scare off other males from getting the …
Kimberly Lin – The Moeraki Boulders are huge spherical rocks on Koekohe Beach on the Otago coast of New Zealand’s South Island. Appearing like a congregation of planets, the stones, with their sheer size and nearly perfect shapes, give birth to …
by Robby Berman – We’re all one mind in “idealism.” (Alex Grey) . There’s a reason they call it the “hard problem.” Consciousness: Where is it? What is it? No one single perspective seems to be able to answer all the questions we …
By Brian Spaen – Street lights give us an easier path for transportation at night, but it’s not beneficial for everyone. These affect the lifestyle of night creatures, specifically bats, who are driven out by the light and have to travel longer distances …