Monthly Archive: October 2020

About the FinCEN Files investigation

An ICIJ investigation reveals the role of global banks in industrial-scale money laundering — and the bloodshed and suffering that flow in its wake. Journalists gathered in Hamburg for a FinCEN Files meeting. – By Fergus Shiel and Dean Starkman Image: Scilla Alecci/ICIJ 2020 …


The Global History of the Bandana

How an Indian export became part of the fabric of American life. The classic Turkey red, sported by everyone from Rosie the Riveter to Tupac Shakur. (National Museum of American History) – By Laura Hilgers Smithsonian Magazine | Subscribe 2020 Nov – Long …

The True Story of Pocahontas

Historian Camilla Townsend separates fact from fiction, as a new documentary premieres about the American Indian princess. Pocahontas wasn’t even a teenager when John Smith claims she saved him from execution. Whether the story happened the way Smith tells it—or even at all—is …

Electric-wheeled Veelo is pulling for rollerbladers

Veelo is presently on Kickstarter.  Veelo – By Ben Coxworth 2020 Oct 22 – Although there are electric rollerblades and skateboards, sometimes people just want a temporary boost while using their existing non-electric set of wheels. That’s why Veelo was invented. Created by Canadian …