The Biggest Christmas Myths and Legends, Debunked 

  By Mike Rothschild – It’s time to find the real stories behind Christmas legends and holiday myths. With over 2,000 years of history, the Christmas holiday comes with a host of myths, legends, lies, misconceptions, and commonly believed things that are just …


Mohenjo Daro

“Faceless” Indus Valley City Puzzles Archaeologists.  Mohenjo Daro 101 By John Roach – A well-planned street grid and an elaborate drainage system hint that the occupants of the ancient Indus civilization city of Mohenjo Daro were skilled urban planners with a reverence for …

Will Rogers: 5 ways he pushed the boundaries of media

Dubbed “America’s Cowboy Philosopher,” Rogers was a vaudeville, newspaper, radio and movie star By Sarah Wells – In today’s media landscape, we’re used to seeing Jacks and Janes of all trades — celebrities writing memoirs, starring in movies or expressing their 2 a.m. thoughts …