Why do deserts get so cold at night?

Temperatures in the Sahara can drop an average of 75 degrees Fahrenheit (42 degrees Celsius) overnight. The milky way shines in the night sky over the Sahara Desert. (Image credit: Shutterstock) – By Harry Baker – Staff Writer 11 days ago – If …

New wellness center lets guests cuddle with cows

Cow cuddling is getting ever more popular, but what’s the science behind using animals for relaxation? Credit: cottonbro from Pexels –  By Scotty Hendricks 2021 Feb 27 – An Indian non-profit hopes to help people relax by giving them cuddle sessions with cows. …


Species in Peril e-letter

Banner Image: The banner image comes from online art exhibit “During the Pandemic,” exhibiting art by Naga children. The exhibit is curated by Naga anthropologist Dr. Dolly Kikon in collaboration with organizations Sisterhood Network and Prodigal’s Home. My review of this exhibit appeared …

Kangaroos can ask humans for help, new study shows

Researchers found that the kangaroos intentionally communicated with humans. – By Amy Woodyatt, CNN 2020 Dec 16 – It may sound a bit “Dr. Doolittle,” but it turns out kangaroos can communicate with humans. – Researchers found that kangaroos “intentionally” communicated with humans …