Why Some Tropical Fish Are Gettin’ Squiggly With It

On occasion, different species of angelfish produce hybrid offspring even more colorful than the parents. Various species of angelfish and their putative hybridized offspring. Row A, from left, a Griffis and a goldspotted angelfish; Row B, a red stripe and a lemonpeel angelfish; …

Eyes painted on cow butts thwart lion attacks

An experiment in Botswana suggests a non-lethal deterrent for predatory lions.  Image source: Ben Yexly/UNSW – By Robby Berman 2020 Aug 12 – Lions help maintain balance in their ecosystems, but they also kill cattle. The big cats are ambush predators who depend …


Bei Bei the giant panda

Bei Bei the giant panda – Bei Bei and me: At nine years old, Rebecca Hale fell in love with pandas on a trip to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Three decades later, as a mom and a photographer for Nat Geo …

The pandemic’s unlikely pet: Chickens

My Pet Chicken, a full-service chicken-raising site, has seen a spike in sales. – By Mallory Hughes, CNN Updated 2020 Jul 25 – At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the food supply in America was in question. Images of barren grocery store …

An abandoned British island reclaimed by nature

With no permanent residents and millions of animals, South Georgia island is one of the world’s most biodiverse places. Yet, few Brits have ever heard of it. A far-flung British territory  (Credit: Bella Falk) – By Bella Falk   2020 Jul 21 –  Marooned …

Keeping Your Pets Healthy While Remaining Cruelty-Free

By Guest Writer Animals 2020 Jul 15 – MUTTS Editor’s Note: We’ve received a great deal of feedback since Butchie’s Fatty Snax Deli went plant-based. Although reader responses have been largely positive, there was one common misunderstanding: “Are Mooch and Earl going vegan? …