Ancient human DNA found in dirt, not fossils

By Lisa-Ann Lee – Several well-preserved Neanderthal remains have been found in the Vindija cave in Croatia (Credit: MPI f. Evolutionary Anthropology/ J. Krause)   When life gives you an ancient cave filled with dirt, look for DNA. That’s what paleontologists and those involved …

Inexpensive houses could be 3D-printed from peat

  Ben Coxworth – The University of Tartu’s Prof. Toomas Tenno, with test pieces of the material (Credit: Merilyn Merisalu) Some of the earliest houses in Northern Europe were made out of slabs of peat, as it was a cheap and abundant building …

Heat slows down the brain by 13%

by Ned Dymoke –  Airplane!, 1980, Paramount Pictures.    A Harvard study of 44 students has confirmed what each and every one of us who has ever been an adult human has learned: summer heat doesn’t help you think. Half the students lived …

10 Indian Thinkers and Why You Should Know Them.

by Scotty Hendricks – India is a vast land, rich in history, beauty, and great ideas. Here, we want to introduce you to ten great minds in Indian thought. These ten thinkers span thousands of years, include several religions, and more than a …