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How the Big Rip could end the world

A theory from cosmology claims the Universe could rip apart to shreds. By Paul Ratner – A cosmological model predicts that the expanding Universe could rip itself apart. Too much dark energy could overwhelm the forces holding matter together. The disaster could happen …

Does eating organic food reduce your cancer risk?

By Rich Haridy – A new study suggests eating organic food may reduce a person’s cancer risk by up to 25 percent. (Credit: urban_light/Depositphotos). A new epidemiological study published in the prestigious journal JAMA Internal Medicine has found that people who eat a high …

Cockroach milk: The superfood of the future is now

Researchers find an unlikely source for the next superfood. By Paul Ratner – What’s four times more nutritious than cow’s milk and could be key in feeding our ever-expanding population? Chances are, your guess was not cockroach milk. But that’s exactly the …

Sound could replace lasers in surgery

Moving from HOT to HAT, a dazzling new acoustic technology. By Robby Berman – Scientists announce the ability to simultaneously manipulate individual levitated objects. Using high-frequency sound waves may provide a safer alternative to laser microsurgery. Video of the research looks like a …